About us

The desire to build Missy’s Hope Maternity Home originated out of tragedy. Sexually abused as a young woman, Peggy Dyer-Bland became pregnant. Peggy chose to surrender her baby for adoption.

Today, Jennings County has the highest teenage pregnancy rate in Indiana and has had for over two decades. These teens find themselves in cycles of abuse and disrespect.

Missy’s Hope Maternity Home is the opportunity for young women who find themselves unexpectedly pregnant, like Peggy, to experience the love and support they desperately need. It is the healthy family that everyone deserves.

There is a minimal fee for the cost of living based on the mother’s income. Missy’s Hope is where women can come to focus on themselves and their pregnancy while learning about budgeting, life skills, and self care.

The Home’s Motto

At Missy’s Hope, we believe no woman should have to walk the path of an unplanned pregnancy alone. Every service we provide is designed to come alongside a young woman who wishes to change her future.

“You Don’t Have To Walk Alone”

The old adage is, “Pull yourself up by your bootstraps.” But often, those boots are worn out by previous generations who’ve walked the same path over and over. It takes outside intervention to break the cycle.

While at Missy’s Hope, women learn valuable life skills like budgeting, meal planning, preparing for job interviews, and continuing their education while pregnant or parenting. Case managers help clients set and meet their specific goals.

Counselors will help women with their emotional challenges, not just of pregnancy but also other problems or issues they might need to process.

Missy’s Hope staff strives to provide residents with a loving environment where they will receive grace and mercy as they grow and mature over these next several months. 

Our goal is to assist her in setting and achieving personal goals in the five areas of wellness: spiritual, physical, intellectual, emotional, and vocational. Addressing these five areas will prepare her for the future, and she will be more capable of managing daily problems and longer-term needs.

Missy’s Hope offers a refuge and haven for women and teens who need safe housing and practical assistance. It’s more than just a place to live. It’s a place to grow. 

The Services We Provide

To assist women who are ready to become self-sufficient, we offer various services:

  • The ability to obtain a high school diploma (GED)
  • College enrollment opportunities
  • Life skills courses such as cooking, budgeting, health, and nutrition (each woman will be required to assist with home chores)
  • Employment assistance (each woman will be required to work so many hours a week and pay minimal rent)
  • Spiritual growth